Practitioners certified by Brainspotting™

In a field of “humanity” where everyone experiences quality differently, it is not always easy to offer psychotherapy in a standardized way. 

Since Brainspotting is still a relatively new technique, the certification makes sure that these practitioners are continuously working with Brainspotting and have documented extensive experience in practice and counseling. 

For clients looking for practitioners, clicking on the checkbox “certified by Brainspotting Trainings, LLC” on our practitioner list will quickly reveal:
Whoever has gone through this procedure shows that he/she has intensively dealt with Brainspotting – those professionals are highlighted with a profile photo instead of an avatar

Brainspotting Trainings, LLC is the legally recognized founding organization behind Brainspotting, with psychotherapist Dr. David Grand as chairman. To maintain the high quality of the method and its practice at an international level, both the training and the procedure for obtaining certification are subject to strict guidelines. 

Certification requirements:

  • Complete both Brainspotting trainings Phase1 and Phase2 
  • At least five session units of counseling with an international Brainspotting Trainer
    complete a Brainspotting Intensive training
    (with Mag. Baumann the session minutes meeting is then included without additional costs) 
  • 50 briefly documented practice sessions (minutes) with Brainspotting.​


For practitioners, there are certification costs to pay to a Brainspotting Training, LLC.
For initial submission: US $150 
After 24 months in a 2-year rhythm: US $100, including 100 new session minutes

No costs will be charged for the registration on the Brainspotting Austria Practitioners List.

Procedure and submission

After completing the Phase 1 training, you can start with the case documentation. Once you have completed Phase 2 and documented the 50 session minutes, send them to us, or in English straight to Brainspotting Trainings, LLC in the US. The certification can and will preferably be reviewed by Brainspotting Austria and finally granted by Brainspotting Trainings, LLC.

5 individual sessions with one Supervisor: bring 10 session minutes each
 plus the 6th final individual session with Monika Baumann


Intensive + then bring 50 session minutes in one-on-one session with Monika Baumann

Application in English: 
With Brainspotting Trainings, LLC:

The required forms:

​if possible please fill out on the computer.
The session minutes are short and require only little effort, but they add value because they make evident that there is a strong focus on how practitioners deal with and reflect on their work. 

In order to maintain the quality of the technique and its practice at an international level, both the training and the procedure for obtaining certification are subject to strict guidelines. 

For the Brainspotting Training, LLC certified practitioners this means that they have to submit 100 session minutes (price: $100) every two years after the certificate has been issued and discuss them in a counseling session with an international Brainspotting Trainer to remain registered as a certified practitioner. 

Certification requires compliance with the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice, which you can download here.

What about those who are not certified? 

Even practitioners who did not get certified by Brainspotting Trainings, LLC often have a lot of experience with Brainspotting. However, if their education/training dates back several years, we cannot say to what extent and at what level former seminar participants practice Brainspotting, since we are not in contact with them. The procedure behind the certificate guarantees that those therapists, psychologists or medical professionals have a lot of experience with the technique. 
We, therefore, strongly recommend for certification in order to keep the quality on the Austrian practitioner list at a transparently high level.
On the Brainspotting Austria practitioner list, you will find all certified practitioners in Austria, as well as some in neighboring countries (these have been – at least partially – trained by Brainspotting Austria).
A complete list can be found on the international site, linked here.​