NEM Masterclass

Colleagues from many European and some South American countries will again participate in this new online course.

In recent years, David has developed his Neuroexperiential Model (NEM for short) and, above all, put it to the test in practice. This gives us new theoretical and practical insights into a pioneering therapeutic approach.

It is again a great honor to observe David at work and draw inspiration from his practical and theoretical enthusiasm. We are also delighted to share this experience with many of you!


The premiere of this innovative three-day masterclass, in this enriching multicultural setting, allows Brainspotting practitioners to experience the method as David Grand lives it. Since the discovery of Brainspotting, he has always remained curious about what the open and free method - possibly still - has to offer and is interested in sensing its effective factors at a subcortical level. In 2021, he wrote up the Neuroexperiential Model for the second international conference and presented it for the first time. Today, the NEM model is an essential and pioneering component of his work. In it, he interweaves Western and Eastern approaches to healing in order to achieve the best possible results for and with clients.


David Grand will first share his profound theoretical ideas with us in this training. He will then move on to practice by working with volunteer participants on their stories, allowing colleagues to step into the shoes of their clients in role-play, and illustrating a neuro-experiential approach to Brainspotting through a demo.  

After demonstrating the practice, he will bring things full circle by picking out certain theoretical content and addressing questions based on this (Q&A).

What he will cover: 

  • Sensory gating

  • experiences with Flashbacks

  • dissociation as an opportunity (dissociative adaptation)

  • redefining the framework of our clients

  • and much more.


Requirement: Brainspotting Phase 1 Training completed

Training hours: 13:00 - 22:00 CET / Find your timezone here!



06. Dec 2024 bis 08. Dec 2024 | Wien | ONLINE

Live NEM-Masterclass mit Dr. David Grand 

Die gemeinsame Online-Teilnahme als Gruppe ist in Wien möglich, Live-Übersetzung ins Deutsche.
Dr. Grand wird nicht persönlich nach Wien kommen, die Live-Schaltung nach New York wird ihn uns aber ganz nah bringen. 


Anmeldeschluss 29. November 
Preis erhöht sich im letzten Monat vor dem Termin auf 680€ 
Registration ends: November  29.
Price increases to 680€ in the last month before the deadline 

€ 645,00 excl. 20 % Vat.

from 645,00 excl. 20 % Vat.

Before you register, please read our terms and conditions and note that only one date can be booked per order process.